Palm of the Andes yielding a resinous wax which is mixed with tallow to make candles. 安地斯山脉地区出产的一种与动物油脂混合制蜡的含树脂的棕榈。
Containing or composed of oil or fat. palm of the Andes yielding a resinous wax which is mixed with tallow to make candles. 含油(脂)的,由油(脂)构成的安地斯山脉地区出产的一种与动物油脂混合制蜡的含树脂的棕榈。
This product is made from palm wax in Brazil, which has a natural bright. 本品由巴西棕榈蜡精制而成,光泽自然。
South American palm yielding a wax similar to carnauba wax. 生产一种类似巴西棕榈蜡的南美棕榈。
Any of several palm trees that yield wax, as Copernica prunifera, the source of carnauba wax, or Ceroxylon alpinum of South America. 几种产蜡的棕榈之任一种,如巴西棕榈蜡的来源巴西蜡棕榈,或南美的安第斯棕榈。